Robert “Bob” Gordon Vogel is a distinguished professional marksman and competition shooter, renowned for his exceptional achievements in practical shooting disciplines. He is notably the only law enforcement officer to have secured both World and National Championships in the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA).
Raised on a farm in rural Saint Marys, Ohio, Vogel developed a passion for shooting, hunting, and the outdoors from a young age. After graduating high school in 2000, he enrolled in a two-year police academy program, during which he began competing in practical shooting competitions. His dedication and skill have led him to become a two-time World Champion and a 17-time National Champion across multiple disciplines of practical shooting.
In addition to his shooting career, Vogel has over a decade of experience in law enforcement, with eight and a half years as a full-time street officer. During this period, he served on the county’s joint-department SWAT team and was a firearms instructor for both the department and the SWAT team.
Vogel’s competitive accolades include winning the USPSA National Championship in the Production Division consecutively in 2008 and 2009, and in the Limited-10 Division in 2011. He holds Grand Master rankings in four USPSA Divisions and Distinguished Master rankings in four International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Divisions. In 2012, he showcased his expertise as an expert on the fourth season of the History Channel’s “Top Shot.”
Beyond competition, Vogel is dedicated to advancing shooting sports and firearms training. He has conducted classes and demonstrations across over 20 states and six foreign countries, sharing his extensive knowledge and experience with a wide audience.